1989-1990 Fall and Winter Sightings

by Greg D. Jackson | Published in 1990 | Issue # 1, Volume # 37, Page # 17
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1990 Spring Sightings

by Greg D. Jackson | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 18
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Alabama Bird Records Committee Report

by Greg D. Jackson | Published in 1990 | Issue # 1, Volume # 37, Page # 36
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Alabama Christmas Bird Counts, 1989-90

by Thomas A. Imhof | Published in 1990 | Issue # 1, Volume # 37, Page # 9
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Atlanta Architect Builds Housing for Barn Owls (Tyto alba)

by Bill Summerour | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 10
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Barred Owls (Strix Varia) Fledged From Box in Montrose

by Bill Summerour | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 12
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First Nesting Record of the Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus Forficatus) in Alabama

by Paul D. Kittle and Dee C. Patterson | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 7
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First Record of the Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula Calliope) in Alabama

by Robert R. Sargent | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 4
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First Record of the Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata) in Alabama

by Thomas M. Haggerty and Glen N. Piper | Published in 1990 | Issue # 2, Volume # 37, Page # 1
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Five Year Summary of Waterloo Christmas Bird Counts, 1985-1989

by Paul Kittle | Published in 1990 | Issue # 1, Volume # 37, Page # 15
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Alabama Ornithological Society