Barred Owls (Strix Varia) Fledged From Box in Montrose

Published in 1990

For the past two years a pair of Barred Owls (Strix varia) has successfully fledged young from a man-made nest box in Montrose, near the home of Jack and Venetia Friend, on the EasternShore of Mobile Bay. The owls raised one owlet in 1989 (Alabama Birdlife, 1989), and in the spring of 1990, two young were fledged. This year Venetia managed to get a picture of the two fledglings posed on a limb outside her window (Fig. 1).

Author: Bill Summerour
Volume Number: 37 Year Published: 1990
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 12

Link to article: 37 No. 2_1990_p12-13.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 37 No. 2_1990.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society