Additional Evidence of an Extreme Eastern Migration Route Across the Gulf of Mexico

Published in 1988

An article by Stevenson (Wilson Bull. 69:39-77) suggests that there is a well-traveled trans-Gulf migration route that passes east of the Yucatan Peninsula. We believe that we have additional evidence for such a route. On 26 Mar 1987, William Hollis was on a 68-ft racing yacht enroute from Key West, Florida, on a direct course to Biloxi, Mississippi. Winds were from the SE with an overcast sky early in the daylight hours, but winds turned to northerly during late morning. The location of the yacht at 1600 hrs was approximately 25¡45’N, 83¡00’W with a speed of 8 knots.

Author: David T. Rogers and William C. Hollis
Volume Number: 35 Year Published: 1988
Issue Number: 2-3
Page Number: 26

Link to article: 35 No. 2 ,3_1988_p26.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 35 No. 2 ,3_1988.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society