Pileated Woodpecker Photograph by Ken Hare
The Alabama Ornithological Society (AOS) is involved in many worthwhile activities. Check out our website pages to learn more about AOS and the efforts we are currently involved with to promote ethical birding and the conservation of Alabama’s natural resources.
AOS members meet each the winter, spring, and fall. The spring and fall meetings are always held on Dauphin Island, considered by many to be one of the top ten birding spots in the United States. Each meeting features a distinguished keynote speaker, usually a nationally-known birder/ornithologist. Numerous field trips are offered throughout the three-day weekend, many of them led by the keynote speaker and other leading birders from the ranks of AOS members. Birding workshops led by the keynote speaker offer additional opportunities for members to learn from an expert. AOS meetings provide an exciting environment in which to advance one’s knowledge and enjoyment of ornithology.The winter meeting, located at various venues around Alabama, is always held beginning on the 4th Friday of January, the spring meeting always begins on the 3rd Friday of April, and the fall meeting always starts on the 2nd Friday of October. You can become an AOS member and also register for meetings on this website.