New and renewing members are cordially invited to Join the Alabama Ornithological Society. Because we are an all-volunteer organization, we need to make our record-keeping system as simple as possible. The AOS Board asks all AOS members to renew their membership in January. New or renewing membership dues payments made later in the year will automatically be attributed to the current year.
AOS ANNUAL DUES: Students: $10.00 Individual: $25.00 Family: $40.00 Sustaining: $50.00 Life (individual): $350.00 Life (family): $550.00. Select appropriate membership level in the form below
Note: Communicating with our members online saves the earth’s resources, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and also saves much-needed funds for AOS. The Yellowhammer is published only in digital format. Your digital subscription to Alabama Birdlife will automatically be sent to the email address listed below unless you opt for a printed edition by checking the box below. Mail your completed form and check, payable to AOS, to:
Hal Smith, AOS Treasurer, 3590 Eagle Nest, Opelika, AL 36801
(To print the form, move your cursor slowly down the form until a black bar appears near the bottom of the form and click on the icon of a typewriter on the black bar.)