Alabama Bird Records Committee Report

Published in 1990

This is the first report of the new Alabama Bird Records Committee. The committee was reorganized in late 1987, and soon began the formal evaluation of Alabama rare bird reports that had not been considered ,during the original committee meetings held in 1983. Forty-nine documented records were appraised in 1988 and 1989. The committee has now considered all reports not previously evaluated for which we have documentation, though there are several sightings that have been in print since 1983 for which we have no detailed written information.

Author: Greg D. Jackson
Volume Number: 37 Year Published: 1990
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 36

Link to article: 37 No. 1_1990_p3-6.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 37 No. 1_1990.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society