…while she also raised awareness about women’s safety in the outdoors.
AOS Winter meeting featured Tiffany Kersten and her Birding Big Year…

…while she also raised awareness about women’s safety in the outdoors.
Sightings columns appear in each issue of Alabama Birdlife, usually with spring/summer and fall/winter groupings. These reports present the most significant seasonal occurrences in the AOS area (Alabama and the Florida Panhandle). With each record is an explanation of why it is important. Reading through these columns is a great way to learn more about […]
The AOS Field Checklist, updated in August, 2022, is available for download here.
There were some counties with fewer than 30 eBird checklists. . .
To really experience a bird. . . go to its environment.
All annual AOS memberships are due in January for the coming year.
The latest Checklist of Alabama Birds is now available online.