Winter Aerial Counts of Birds on the Chattahoochee River

Published in 1990

Since 1981 I have taken part in an annual winter eagle count that has followed the Chattahoochee River from Cottonton, Russell Co., to the Florida state line, Houston Co., a distance of about 135 km. It was done each year early in January, usually during the first week. The main objective of the count was to count the eagles that were present. It also presented the opportunity to count other raptors and wading birds.

Author: Julian L. Dusi
Volume Number: 37 Year Published: 1990
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 3

Link to article: 37 No. 1_1990_p7-8.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 37 No. 1_1990.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society