In Memoriam, Clustie McTyeire

Published in 1973

AOS lost one of its most knowledgeable and loyal members with the passing last December of Clustie McTyeire. A past officer of AOS and the Birmingham Audubon Society and having served on numerous, committees of both societies, she was also active in assisting with field trips, always gave generously of her time and efforts in support of natural history and conservation programs, and was recognized for her many noteworthy observations of both plants and animals. She was an acknowledged expert on mosses and lichens as well as being very knowledgeable of birds, ferns, trees, wildflowers and other branches of natural history.

Volume Number: 21 Year Published: 1973
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 12

Link to article: 21 No. 3, 4_1973_p12.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 21 No. 3, 4_1973.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society