Christmas Bird Counts, Alabama, 1957
Names of Observers (B-B’ham, D-Dauphin, MMarion): Ruth Brunson B, Frederick T. Carney B, Blanche H.Chapman B, Ruth Copeland B, F. Bozeman Daniel B, Blanche E. Dean B, Mildred Ferris B, Peggy Friedman B, M. Wilson Gaillard D, Rosemary Gaymer D, Emmylou Grimley B, E,uen Heine D, Dan C. Holliman B & M, Thomas A. Imhof D & M’ & B, Electa D. Levi D, Lois McCollough D & M & B, Clustie McTyeire M & B, Morton H. Perry B, Robert Perry B, M. F. Prather B, Dorothy Roberts B, Idalene F. Snead B, Grace Snead B, Ava R. Tabor D, Edwin O. Willis D, Harriet H. Wright B, Larry Wright B. (Total 27 observers, 3 from Louisiana and 1 from Ontario.)
Author: Thomas A. Imhof and Lois McCollough
Volume Number: 5 Year Published: 1957
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 27
Link to article: 5 No. 3, 4_1957_p27-31.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 5 No. 3, 4_1957.pdf