Bald Eagle at Gulf Shores

Published in 1960

On March 18, 1960, while staying in Cabin No. 16, on the east shore of the lake at Gulf Shores State Park, an adult Bald Eagle was seen flying over the lake. The eagle came into the lake shore with legs down about one fourth mile from the cabin. It reappeared shortly, and flew to the east end of the lake and over the swamp a short distance to a tall pine tree in which a bulky nest was readily visible at about 1/2 mile distance. With 7×50 binoculars the bird could be seen at the nest, but no young could be seen.

Volume Number: 8 Year Published: 1960
Issue Number: 3
Page Number: 14

Link to article: 8 No. 3_1960_p14.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 8 No. 3_1960.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society