Bander’s Corner
One of the highlights of my winter’s banding occurred when a flock of Lapland Longspurs appeared at the Old Courtland Airfield. Records show that, in the past, very large flocks (up to 1000 birds) have been seen at Courtland, but in recent years, various observers have not been able to locate them. However, this year Bob Reid and Greg Jackson visited the airfield and found a “few” birds. When I learned of the birds’ presence, I decided to go up and look for them, as I had seen only one in my life. So, on the morning of February 24, 1975, accompanied by Ted Weems, I set out for North Alabama.
Author: James V. Peavy, Jr.
Volume Number: 23 Year Published: 1975
Issue Number: 1-2
Page Number: 13
Link to article: 23 No. 1, 2 1975_p13.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 23 No. 1, 2 1975.pdf