The Season Spring 1970

Published in 1970

The weather in Alabama continues cold and rather dry– extended periods of low rainfall broken by short stormy periods of excessive rainfall so that the average is nearly normal. The moisture available to growing plants though is low because man has done too much to hasten runoff. With less forest and swamp and more pavement and channelized streams, we are in a poor condition to take advantage of heavy rainfall when it occurs. With each year some of us realize more and more how precious water really is!

Author: Thomas A. Imhof
Volume Number: 18 Year Published: 1970
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 2

Link to article: 18 No. 1_1970_p2-6.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 18 No. 1_1970.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society