The Season Fall

Published in 1971

In spite of many warm days this fall, we entered December with an average for the year of 3¡ below normal. The few cold spells were in Birmingham rather severe and concentrated around 8 Nov (24¡) and 22 Nov (25¡). As far as known, frost has not reached the coast. Mobile experienced its hottest and driest October since 1874, and Birmingham was shorted 1.75 inches in both October and November. By virtue of spring rains, the year’s rainfall for Birmingham is still 5 inches in excess, but we suspect that with our present system of channelized streams, this precious water has long since been flushed out into the Gulf like so much sewage.

Author: Thomas A. Imhof
Volume Number: 19 Year Published: 1971
Issue Number: 3
Page Number: 34

Link to article: 19 No. 3_1971_p34-38.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 19 No. 3_1971.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society