The 1971 Christmas Counts

Published in 1971

With the expansion of the AOS area to include Northwest Florida, a record nine counts were conducted. The new area contributed three–Pensacola, Bay County (Panama City), and Marianna-which featured a number of significant observations for winter on the Gulf Coast, including a Barn Swallowat Pensacola, a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Sandwich Tern in Bay County, and a Swallowtailed Kite and two immature Broad-winged Hawks at Marianna. The status of all these species ranges from rare to accidental on the Alabama and Northwest Florida Gulf Coast in winter, their regular wintering grounds being in South or Southwest Florida and below the U. S. border.

Author: Robert R. Reid, Jr.
Volume Number: 19 Year Published: 1971
Issue Number: 4
Page Number: 43

Link to article: 19 No. 4_1971_43-49.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 19 No. 4_1971.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society