Summering Waterfowl in Birmingham
During the summer of 1964, several species of waterfowl remained on East Lake which is approximately four miles from downtown Birmingham, Alabama. There have been other summer records of water fowl in and around Birmingham, but the summer of 1964 is probably unique in that individuals of three species of duck that normally migrate north were observed throughout the summer on this lake well within the city limits. East Lake is located in a small park most frequently visited by fishermen for whose convenience there are a number of spits extending out in the water.
Author: Robert R. Reid, Jr.
Volume Number: 13 Year Published: 1965
Issue Number: 2-3
Page Number: 26
Link to article: 13 No. 2, 3_1965_p26-28.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 13 No. 2, 3_1965.pdf