Published in 2000

Some seasons overwhelm us with abundance; spring 2000 did not burden us with that challenge. The decrease in observed migration was primarily due to dry conditions with little frontal activity, particularly on the coast. However. a great percipitation of transients occurred along tbe Gulf 24-25 April, and good birding was had there 18 and 22 April as well; at Birmingham, an excellent fall of migrants was experienced 28 April. Despite an overall slow period for regular migrants, several rarities, added a flair of excitement. A special investigation of breeding birds in Chilton Counly 16-18 June uncovered many interesting finds.

Author: Greg D. Jackson
Volume Number: 46 Year Published: 2000
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 37

Link to article: 46 No. 2_2000_p37-44.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 46 No. 2_2000.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society