Offshore Trip Into Gulf of Mexico, September 10, 1973

Published in 1973

Through the courtesy of the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium on Dauphin Island and specifically Drs. William W. Schroeder and Dan C. Holliman and Boat Capt. Thomas Walker, six of us – Helen H. and Ricky Kittinger, Ann L. Miller, W. Roger Maner, James V. Peavy and Thomas A. Imhof – birded from the RV Pisces to at least 10 miles south of Dauphin Island on September 10, 1973.

Author: Thomas A. Imhof
Volume Number: 21 Year Published: 1973
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 6

Link to article: 21 No. 3, 4_1973_p6.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 21 No. 3, 4_1973.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society