Nashville Birds Recovered

Published in 1960

Robin, 1st year bird, banded August 31, 1956-shot on a farm at Livingston, Ala., December 25, 1959. Bluebird, nestling, banded August 7, 1956, was found dead north of Valley Head, DeKalb County, Ala., in March, 1960 (date not given). Both of these reports were forwarded from the Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington.

Author: Amelia R. Laskey
Volume Number: 8 Year Published: 1960
Issue Number: 4
Page Number: 28

Link to article: 8 No. 4_1960_p28.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 8 No. 4_1960.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society