More On Wintering Lincoln Sparrow
As reported in Vol, 9, No. 2 &3 of Alabama Birdlife, a Lincoln Sparrow stayed in my garden from October 17, 1958 until January 5, 1959, feeding daily and using the bath. He was further seen daily from March 30 through April 15, 1961. This, then, is the third year that I have had the Lincoln Sparrow feeding at my tray, but it is the first time that I have seen more than oDe bird at a time, and the first time I have had them singing in my yardo
Author: Jenkins Jackson
Volume Number: 10 Year Published: 1962
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 12
Link to article: 10 No. 1_1962_p12.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 10 No. 1_1962.pdf