Little Dauphin Island: A New Nesting Sanctuary
Little Dauphin Island is a 3.6 km (2.25 mile) long tidal marsh 344 ha (851 acres) in size lyingjust north of Dauphin Island. The eastern end of the Island supports a small stand of loblolly and slash pine (Pinus taeda) and (P. ellioti), while the western end is a Juncus dominated marsh with shell mounds supporting growths of dwarf live oak (Quercus virginiana var. geminata). The northwestern portion of the island has a broad shoreline of sand flats.
Author: John Dendo and Ken Marion
Volume Number: 34 Year Published: 1987
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 4
Link to article: 34 No. 1_1987_p4-5.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 34 No. 1_1987.pdf