In Memoriam: Thomas Z. Atkeson, Jr. 1912-1999

Published in 1999

An illustrious career in conservation, ornithology and wildlife management came to a close with the passing of Tom Atkeson of Columbia, Alabama, on 12 July. Tom’s career was centered at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge near Decatur, where he served as Refuge Manager for 25 years, from 1962 until his retirement in 1987. He began his career there in 1939 when Wheeler Refuge was just getting organized and, after service during World War II with the Army’s 5th Armored Tank Group, became Wildlife Management Biologist before becoming Refuge Manager. He had an uncanny ability to recall every location on the over 34,000 acres of the refuge and could describe, after many years, just what wildlife should be expected at every place. This was evidence of his superior intellect, which he used so well in managing that refuge.

Volume Number: 45 Year Published: 1999
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 34

Link to article: 45 No 2 1999_34-36.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 45 No 2 1999.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society