Christmas Bird Counts, Alabama, 1963

Published in 1964

Auburn (column A of table). The Christmas Bird Count was made at Auburn, Alabama, December 30, 1963. The center of the 15 miie diameter circle was the Auburn Post Office. Composition of the area was: mixed woods, 50 per cent; pastures and open fields, 30 per cent; water and mud flats, 20 per cent. The weather was clear and the temperature varied from 320F. at the start, to a high of 540 , and to 420 at termination. Winds were 0-10 mph., from the north to northwest. Seventeen observers, making 8 parties, spent 37 party hours, drove 102 party miles, rowed 2 party miles, and walked 43 party miles, in making the count. Total species, 78. Total individuals, 451,660.

Volume Number: 12 Year Published: 1964
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 4

Link to article: 12 No. 1_1964_4-7.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 12 No. 1_1964.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society