Banders’ Corner
During the year 1961, I banded 1109 birds of 70 species. Of these, 518 were banded at Cornell University; the remainder at my home in Birmingham, Alabama. By far the great majority of birds were captured with mist nets, but traps were also used at various times. At the time of their capture, all birds were banded, measured, weighed, and checked for the deposition of fat. In addition the presence or absence of molt, parasites, etc., was also noted.
Author: J. Bolling Sullivan, III.
Volume Number: 10 Year Published: 1962
Issue Number: 4
Page Number: 49
Link to article: 10 No. 4_1962_49-50.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 10 No. 4_1962.pdf