Greg Harber, Chair
Committee Members:
- Scott Duncan
- Damien Simbeck
The AOS standing Conservation Committee has long been a prominent voice for the preservation of habitat for birds, especially preservation of critical areas such as stopovers used during migration, and wintering or breeding grounds, and also for the protection of bird species in crisis.
AOS supports the work of the American Bird Conservancy and is a member of the Bird Conservation Alliance. Their web site addresses are: and
Recommended Reading:
2016 State of the Birds Report published by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative. The report can be downloaded at: The North American Bird Conservation Initiative was created by the governments of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico in 1999 to recognize birds as an international “natural economic resource.” NABCI is a trinational commitment to protecting, restoring, and enhancing populations and habitats of North America’s birds. U.S. participation is led by the US Fish & Wildlife Service and several other major US conservation groups.
The Conservation Committee welcomes comments and/or questions regarding conservation related issues. Please contact the AOS Conservation Committee chairman:
Greg Harber
AOS Conservation Committee
2906 Highland Avenue South, Apt. #5
Birmingham, AL 35205or send email to