Actions of the AOS Board Spring Meeting, April 22, 2017
Dauphin Island United Methodist Church
Attendance: Bianca Allen, Harry Dean, Shirley Farrell, Larry Gardella, Alison Glascock, Andrew Haffenden, Stan Hamilton, Ken Hare, Greg Harber, Greg Jackson, Annabel Markle, Anne Miller (presiding), Sue Moske, Bob Reed, Elberta Reid, Don Self, Ken Ward (recording), Rufina Ward
–Call to order, 2:30 pm
- Winter 2016 AOS Board Meeting minutes (Ken Ward) – Unanimously approved by the Board.
- Treasurer’s report (Elberta Reid) – Unanimously approved by the Board
- Point of Business – Motion made and seconded to authorize up to $250 for prizes associated with Ebird project – Unanimously approved by Board
Other Items:
- Ad hoc committees established for the next photo contest, to review AOS field trip protocol, and to oversee new eBird project.
- Strong attendance at current meeting – consensus that speaker, quality field trips, ease of registration (online now) and efforts of PR committee (more FB posts, Ken Hare’s articles, etc.) were all important. Further discussion needed on how to build on this success, taking into consideration the limited space we currently have at our meeting place.
- AOS photo contest scheduled for the Fall 2017meeting; need to revisit prizes offered and photo categories for consideration; committee to make recommendations soon.
- AOS/eBird Project – Going well, 3 activities planned: bird blitz to increase Ebird reporting in Fayette County scheduled for May, checklist competition (prizes approved), and initiative to recruit birders for adoption of under-reported counties for eBirding
–Meeting adjourned, 4:00 pm