Variation in Stages of Nesting Development

Published in 1971

The variation in stages of initial and early nest development seen in several Heron colonies showed that great variation exists between the onset of breeding.

The colonies referred to here are located as follows:

1. Ft. Gaines colony, 6 miles north of Ft. Gaines, Clay Co., Ga.
2. Pintlala colony, 1 mile west of Pintlala, Montgomery Co., Ala.
3. McLemore colony, 1 mile west of Mount Meigs, Montgomery Co., Ala.

Author: Julian L. Dusi and Rosemary T. Dusi
Volume Number: 19 Year Published: 1971
Issue Number: 3
Page Number: 33

Link to article: 19 No. 3_1971_p33-34.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 19 No. 3_1971.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society