The Season, Winter 1971

Published in 1971

The year 1970 was a bit less cold than usual, only 2.1 0 below normal, whereas the 1966-69 average was 3.40 below normal. Although December was near normal, January was 2.9 degrees below normal and February 4.5 0 below. December and January were dry, but not as dry as the last 2 years, and February with a 4.00 in. excess in precipitation mere than made up fer any water shortages.

Author: Thomas A. Imhof
Volume Number: 19 Year Published: 1971
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 2

Link to article: 19 No. 1_1971_p2-5.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 19 No. 1_1971.pdf