The President’s Page
As the deep rich color of the autumn trees and the migration of myriad birds are etched in my memory, so are the days of the early beginnings of our organization. Long had there been a desire for such a group in the hearts of many, but each seemed to wait for another to initiate the movement. Early in January, 1952, the impulse came to sound out the few who were reputed to be interested in birds and nature in our state. Letter after letter was sent out to people who should be interested and to people whose names were recommended. Finally, April 15 was chosen for a state meeting. Twenty-two people from over the state met for dinner at Britling’s, after a cold, damp field trip to Lake Purdy, and started the organization of the Alabama Ornithological Society. From time to time until now the response and interest have been most gratifying. After about a year and as half, from that small beginning has grown this strong organization of 89 members from all over Alabama and from Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Canada.
Author: Blanche E. Dean
Volume Number: 1 Year Published: 1953
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 14-15
Link to article: 1 No. 3, 4_1953_p14-15.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 1 No. 3, 4_1953.pdf