Television Tower Casualties at Huntsville, Fall, 1976
In the fall of 1976 , regular collections were made and daily records kept of bird casualties at WHNT television tower in Huntsville, Alabama. The tower is located east or Huntsville. Madison County, Alabama, atop Monte Sana Mountain and is of the needle – type construction. WHNT tower, supported by 12 cables, is 1000 ft. tall and reaches an altitude of approximately 2600 ft. above sea level.
Author: C. Dwight Cooley
Volume Number: 25 Year Published: 1977
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 14
Link to article: 25 No. 3, 4_1977_p14-15.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 25 No. 3, 4_1977.pdf