Spring Sightings (March-May 2004)

Published in 2004

This report covers the period from March through May 2004 in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle (west of the Apalachicola River). The appearance of observations in this article does not suggest verification or acceptance of records for very rare species; these must be considered by the appropriate state records committees. All submissions of birds that are rare, either in general or for a particular season or region, must be accompanied by adequate details of the observation. The extent of this documentation depends on the rarity of the species and the difficulty of identification. For guidance, observers are encouraged to consult the Alabama Ornithological Society checklist. Reports should note conditions of observation and the diagnostic characters observed. Your help in this matter is appreciated.

Author: Paul D. Kittle, Greg D. Jackson, and Robert A. Duncan
Volume Number: 50 Year Published: 2004
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 44

Link to article: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/2004/Vol 50 No.2_2004_p44-53.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/2004/Vol 50 No.2_2004.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society