Some Observations of a Nest of the Cattle Egret

Published in 1963

In our studies of a wading bird nesting colony located about ten miles southeast of Opp, Covington County, Alabama, on the Covington County Wildlife Management Area, we were fortunate to be able to secure a group of precise observations on a Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis (Linnaeus), nest and the development of the young.

Author: Julian L. Dusi and Rosemary T. Dusi
Volume Number: 11 Year Published: 1963
Issue Number: 2-3
Page Number: 25

Link to article: 11 No. 2, 3_1963_p25-27.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 11 No. 2, 3_1963.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society