Second nesting record for the Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus) in Alabama

Published in 1998

In Alabama the Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus) is a rare migrant recorded most often in spring north of the Fall Line. It is known to breed locally along the Tennessee River only in Lauderdale County in the extreme NW corner of the state.

Although singing males have been observed in Colbert, Lauderdale, and Lawrence Counties during the breeding season from late April through July, and adults feeding fledglings have been seen near Waterloo, only two nests have been found as positive proof of nesting.

Author: Bill Summerour
Volume Number: 44 Year Published: 1998
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 13

Link to article: 44 No 1 1998_p13-15.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 44 No 1 1998.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society