Recent Record For Hudsonian Curlew in Alabama

Published in 1960

The Hudsonian Curlew or Whimbrel, Numenium phaeopus hudsonicus, breeds in the Arctic regions and migrates along the coast to its South American wintering grounds. However, nonbreeding individuals may be found in the summer along the Atlantic Coast from Virginia to Ecuador. Occasionally, sight records have been made in Alabama as the Whimbrel stops over to and from its breeding and wintering quarters. Howell (1928), lists a Whimbrel record on July 27, 1913, from the west point of Dauphin Island. Atkeson (1959), reports sight records from the Wheeler Refuge on August 26, 1940 and again on August 18, 1947,with the most recent record being February 13, 1959.

Author: Dan C. Holliman
Volume Number: 8 Year Published: 1960
Issue Number: 3
Page Number: 19

Link to article: 8 No. 3_1960_p18-19.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 8 No. 3_1960.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society