Pelicans at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge
Pelicans are not usually seen at the Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge.
Ortego, Dusi, Brown and Combs, 1979, in “Birds of Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge”, 1967-1979, The Oriole 44(4): 61-87, reported the Brown Pelican, (Pelecanus occidenta1is), in late March, 14 April, and 12 November, 1977, one individual each date. The White Pelican, Pe1ecanus erythrorhynchos, has been reported only once, when Sam Pate saw 160 on 28 April 1977.
Author: Julian L. Dusi
Volume Number: 29 Year Published: 1982
Issue Number: 1-2
Page Number: 5
Link to article: 29 No. 1, 2_1982_p5.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 29 No. 1, 2_1982.pdf