Observations of Heron and Egret Colonies in Alabama 1952-2001

Published in 2002

Over the past fifty years we have observed at least 42 heron colonies in 21 counties in Alabama, two in adjacent Florida, and three in adjacent Georgia. From research done at these colonies, we have noted changes in the ecology, status, and distribution of some heron and egret species, especially on the Coastal Plain where most of the colonies have been situated. These research projects have resulted in 31 research papers and reports by the writers, two doctoral dissertations, and five master’s theses by Auburn University students. In this report we provide an overview of some of the population changes and their causes.

Author: Julian L. Dusi and Rosemary T. Dusi
Volume Number: 48 Year Published: 2002
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 35

Link to article: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/2002/Vol. 48 No 2 2002_p35-37.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/2002/Vol. 48 No 2 2002.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society