New Banding Record for Peregrine Falcons in Alabama
During the month of October 1979 we operated a raptor banding station on the Alabama Gulf Coast between Gulf Shores, AL, and Fort Morgan, AL, near the mouth of Mobile Bay. At this site, observation was facilitated for both the Gulf coast line and the bay area. The wind velocity and direction were noted for each day of observation, as well as the temperature. The highest temperature for anyone day was 860 F and a low one morning of 590 F. Average daily temperature for observation time was 79.60 F. We recorded a total of 63 man-hours of observations. This includes 50 hours total time spent attempting to trap and band raptors. The stated man-hours are the result of approximately six days banding/observation time over a two-week period from 6 – 21 October.
Author: Jimmie R. Parrish and E. William Wischusen
Volume Number: 28 Year Published: 1980
Issue Number: 1-2
Page Number: 3
Link to article: 28 No. 1, 2_1980_p3-6.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 28 No. 1, 2_1980.pdf