Nesting Records for the Sharp-Shinned Hawk (Accipter striatus) in Alabama
Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipter striatus) have been recorded in summer over the entire state except Mobile and south Baldwin Counties (Imhof, 1976) and nest wherever they occur during the spring and summer months. They are apparently nowhere abundant in Alabama during the breeding season from March through July, ranging from uncommon to fairly common in areas of favorable habitat. The species is statewide during the non-breeding season and is most common on the coast during fall migration (Alabama Agricultural Extension Service, 1984).
Author: Bill Summerour
Volume Number: 33 Year Published: 1986
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 11
Link to article: 33 No 3. 4_1986_p11-18.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 33 No 3. 4_1986.pdf