Food Habits of Some Over-Wintering, Fringillidae in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, 1969
Probably the most quoted work on the foods of sparrows is a paper by Judd (1901). His data were derived from examinations of gizzards collected during 1885-1900 and he lists the principal plant and animal foods eaten. Judd stated that sparrows were collected over their entire geographical ranges yet his work excluded the southeastern states and possibly left a large part of the diet of the sparrows unknown. Other investigators (Forbush, 1929; Todd, 1940; Martin, Zim and Nelson, 1951; Evans, 1964) examined the foods of sparrows in the northern states, but again the Southeast was excluded.
Author: Dennis K. Shoemaker and D. T. Rogers, Jr.
Volume Number: 28 Year Published: 1980
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 4
Link to article: 28 No. 3, 4_ 1980_p4-29.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 28 No. 3, 4_ 1980.pdf