First nesting record for the Black-necked Stilt (Himanotpus mexicanus) in the Tennessee Valley

Published in 1998

The Black-necked Sti lt (Himantopus mexicanus) is an easily recognized species that is primarily coastal in the Southeast (AOU 1998). In Alabama, it is an uncommon transient along the Gulf Coast, breeds at the head of Mobile Bay, and ;5 casual on the Coastal Plain (Imhof 1976). In the Tennessee Valley there have been at least five sightings (Table 1), but no evidence of breeding had been reported prior to the nest described in this paper.

Author: Thomas M. Haggerty and Jeffrey T. Garner
Volume Number: 44 Year Published: 1998
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 8

Link to article: 44 No 1 1998_p8-10.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 44 No 1 1998.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society