First Clark’s Nutcracker (Nufraga columbiana) for Alabama

Published in 2002

On 19 April 2002, while camping at Cheaha State Park, Clay Co., Alabama, Roger and Gretchen Johnson from Wisconsin discovered a Clark’s Nutcracker (Nufraga columbiana). They realized this was a highly unlikely bird to see in Alabama. They had no idea whom they could notify and were unable to locate a contact source until they returned to Wisconsin. Fortunately, Gretchen logged on to her computer and found Alabama’s Rare Bird Alert number and consequently reached Steve McConnell. Her description was so credible that McConnell immediately got the good news out to as many birders as he could contact.

Author: Ann L. Miller
Volume Number: 48 Year Published: 2002
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 33

Link to article: 48 No 2 2002_p33-34.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 48 No 2 2002.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society