First Breeding Record of Coots in Mountain Region

Published in 1972

The first positive breeding record of the American Coot in the Mountain Region of Alabama was recorded in late surumer, 1972, at East Lake approximately four miles from dovmtown Birmingham. The nest, constructed of water lllo.nts, was located. beyond the end of one of the fishing spits that extend into the Lake and was first noted by this reporter on July 29 when one bird of a pair was found on the nest. The nest was photographed two days later, and one of the birds was then obsel~ed presonting a water plant to the other, who, while sitting on the nest, tucked the plant into it.

Author: Robert R. Reid, Jr.
Volume Number: 20 Year Published: 1972
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 7

Link to article: 20 No. 3, 4_1972_p7.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 20 No. 3, 4_1972.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society