First Annual Bankhead Forest Spring Count

Published in 1971

May 15, 1971; partly cloudy, 48 c to 72¡; wind mcstly southerly, light. Observers, 26 in 9 parties, spent 68 party-hours afield from 4’30 to 12:30 CDT and traveled 160 miles, 43 of them on foot. Area covered: the Proposed Wilderness Area except for Kinlock Springs, plus Braziel Creek Rd., Gum Pond Motorway, Mountain Springs Rd., and Brushy Lake. Total Wilderness Area and woodland species: 98; total individuals, 3845 (56.5 birds per party hour).

Author: Thomas A. Imhof
Volume Number: 19 Year Published: 1971
Issue Number: 2
Page Number: 7

Link to article: 19 No. 2_1971_p7-8.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 19 No. 2_1971.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society