Changes in Abundance of Myrtle Warblers During Spring Migration at Tuscaloosa, Alabama
In the spring of 1965, I undertook a project to ascertain the pattern of migration and the effects of weather on migration of birds in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. A set schedule for periodically observing the birds as they appeared was followed. The objective was to compute the arrival and departure dates and migration peaks of migrant species–this paper being concerned only with the migration of one species, the Myrtle Warbler.
Author: Richard Ambrose
Volume Number: 14 Year Published: 1966
Issue Number: 2-3
Page Number: 9
Link to article: 14 No. 2, 3_1966_p9-13.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 14 No. 2, 3_1966.pdf