Banding Totals-Brownsboro

Published in 1960

Total number of birds banded-43. Of these we, had 11 Cardinals, 2 Loggerhead Shrikes, 1 Mockingbird, 8 Field Sparrows, 1 Catbird, 2 Tufted Titmice, 6 Red-eyed Vireos, 2 Hooded Warblers, 2 Carolina Chickadees, 1 Rufous-sided Towhee, 2 Wood Thrushes, 2 White-eyed Vireos, 2 Kentucky Warblers, 1 Black and White Warbler.

Author: Jim and Margaret Robinson
Volume Number: 8 Year Published: 1960
Issue Number: 3
Page Number: 19

Link to article: 8 No. 3_1960_p18-19.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 8 No. 3_1960.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society