Additional Comments on Alabama’s Breeding Bird‰Ûªs
The highly informative article on the distribution of breeding birds in Alabama by Tom Imhof got a new journal off to a good start. So far as I am aware, this account left little to be desired, but after a thorough reading a few added comments seemed in order. The responsibility for these short-comings, if they be so considered, is assumed entirely by the present writer, who had opportunity to transmit all of his records and ideas to Imhof at an earlier date, but overlooked a few points in doing so. It is with the hope of setting the record straight on these few points that I comment on Imhof’s account of the following species:
Author: Henry M. Stevenson
Volume Number: 1 Year Published: 1953
Issue Number: 3-4
Page Number: 22
Link to article: 1 No. 3, 4_1953_p22-23.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: 1 No. 3, 4_1953.pdf