1990-91 Fall and Winter Sightings

Published in 1991

The 1990-91 fall and winter seasons were highlighted by several rarities, including a first record for Alabama. The autumn migration was disappointing for passerines, however, and the mild winter resulted in low diversity on many Christmas Bird Counts.

The poor showing for many species in the fall was likely due to the lack of effective frontal activity. Best days on the coast for landbirds were 23-24 September and 19-21 October. Temperatures during the autumn were generally normal to warm, and rainfall was unusually low in the first half of the season. The winter was warm, in great contrast to the big freezes of the preceding winter, and precipitation was fairly normal for the period.

Author: Greg D. Jackson
Volume Number: 38 Year Published: 1991
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 22

Link to article: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1991/Vol 38 No. 1_1991_p22-31.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1991/Vol 38 No. 1_1991.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society