1973 Christmas Counts

Published in 1974

Undoubtedly the most outstanding event recorded on the 13 Christmas Counts reported to Alabama Birdlife for the 1973 Christmas season (which included two counts at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge–one on Dec. 22 and the other on Jan. 6) was the invasion of Red Crossbills. This nomadic finch was reported by three field parties at Birmingham for a state record in abundance of 55, and a group of 6 was sighted at Jacksonville. The Red Crossbill is not new to Alabama (see Imhof, Thomas A., Alabama Birds (1962): 540-41); but there have not been many observations until recently (see Imhof, “The Season, Fall 1972 and Spring 1973,” Alabama Birdlife, Vol. 20, p. 16, Vol. 21, p. 14).

Author: Robert R. Reid, Jr.
Volume Number: 22 Year Published: 1974
Issue Number: 1-2
Page Number: 3

Link to article: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1974/Vol 22 No. 1, 2_1974_p3-7.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1974/Vol 22 No. 1, 2_1974.pdf
Alabama Ornithological Society