1960 Banding Report
During the year 1960, I was able to band 1,392 birds of 72 species. Of these, 434 were banded at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; and the remainder at Birmingham, Alabama. With the exception of five nestlings which were captured by hand, all of the birds were either trapped or mist netted. At the time of their capture they were banded, measured, weighed, and checked for fat deposition. In some cases plumage notes were taken.
The birds captured in greatest numbers were: Purple Finch, 239; White-throated Sparrow, 211; Slate-colored Junco, 175; Wood Thrush, 87; Field Sparrow, 55.
Author: J. Bolling Sullivan, III.
Volume Number: 9 Year Published: 1961
Issue Number: 1
Page Number: 10
Link to article: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1961/Vol 9 No. 1_1961_p10-11.pdf
Link to the full issue of BirdLife: http://birdlife.aosbirds.org/1961/Vol 9 No. 1_1961.pdf